From its start in the High School Band room in 1992, Crosby Community Church has focused on creating a “community” environment where people can worship, fellowship, and grow their personal relationship with Jesus.
Crosby Township, OH: Our Community
We believe Crosby Community Church doesn’t just happen to be in Harrison, OH. God placed us here for a reason and that reason is you! Harrison is a growing community and can be a great place to live, but sometimes it can be difficult to feel connected. If you are looking for a place to fit in, we invite you to stop by.
Every successful journey starts with a plan and an intended destination. That’s why “Where is God taking us?” is a question we need to be able to answer.
Crosby Community Church and Crosby Township are at a crossroad unlike any other time in history. What’s our next step?
We are on a journey to discover and apply the vision God has given us. It’s the intersection where our gifts and resources meet the challenges and opportunities of Harrison and the surrounding communities.