
to know Jesus and make Him known while living, loving and serving like Him

From its start in the High School Band room in 1992, Crosby Community Church has focused on creating a “community” environment where people can worship, fellowship, and grow their personal relationship with Jesus.

Crosby Township, OH: Our Community

We believe Crosby Community Church doesn’t just happen to be in Harrison, OH.  God placed us here for a reason and that reason is you!  Harrison is a growing community and can be a great place to live, but sometimes it can be difficult to feel connected. If you are looking for a place to fit in, we invite you to stop by.

Every successful journey starts with a plan and an intended destination.  That’s why “Where is God taking us?” is a question we need to be able to answer.

Crosby Community Church and Crosby Township are at a crossroad unlike any other time in history.  What’s our next step?

We are on a journey to discover and apply the vision God has given us.  It’s the intersection where our gifts and resources meet the challenges and opportunities of Harrison and the surrounding communities.

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