Message: “The Power of the Word of God” from Doug Wallin
Doug Wallin - February 28, 2016
The Power of Prayer
From Series: "How To Obtain the Fullness of Power"
It is unfortunate, but most people have never seen what real Christianity is actually supposed to look like. The Christianity of the New Testament was dynamic and life changing as opposed to what is often seen today in our churches on Sunday mornings. The appeal of the early church was not based on how much the disciples knew, how eloquent they were or how well they entertained. In fact, God has shown us that genuine Christianity was typified by a group of inadequate men (the disciples) stepping out by faith with limited knowledge and experience. Yet in spite of their inadequacies, this group of men through the POWER OF GOD changed the world. In this series based on the book "How to Obtain the Fullness of Power" by R.A. Torrey, we will be challenged to live with an awareness of the life changing power that God wants to bring into our lives.